Families » FAQ's From the First Week of School

FAQ's From the First Week of School

YES!!  You need to be compliant with St. Louis Prevent & Protect. Click here to find information.
Before Care Hours
  • 6:30 am to 8:00 am
After Care Hours
  • 2:55 pm to 6:00 pm
Kindergarten through 8th Grade
  • Doors open at 7:30 am
  • School starts at 7:50 am
  • Dismissal is at 3:05 pm
  • Office closes at 3:30 pm
  • Doors open at 8:00 am
  • Preschool starts at 8:15 am
  • Dismissal
For T/Th half-day students at 11:15 am
For M/W/F half-day students at 11:45 am
For full-day students at 2:55 pm
Don't make it awkward!  If you park someplace other than the designated lot for the youngest child in your family/carpool, you will make dismissal longer. For. Every. Body.  Take a look at this list:
  • If the youngest child is in Preschool or Kindergarten, please park between the school and the gym.
  • If the youngest child is in First Grade, please park in the north lot closest to the church.
  • If the youngest child is in Second Grade, please park in the north lot closest to White Birch Lane.
  • If the youngest child is in Third or Fourth Grade, please park in the south lot.
  • If the youngest child is in Fifth through Eighth Grade, please park in the soccer lot.
  • If you ONLY have a preschool student, please park in the chapel lot.
(We want to get going, too. We get it!)
Ha! Nope. 
The latest early-dismissal time is 2:45 pm. We cannot excuse students from the office once preschool dismissal starts at 2:55 pm and children move around in the parking lots.
If you need to pick up your child early from school, you have two choices - 2:45 pm and before 2:45 pm.
We really hate to interrupt Mass. It's a distraction for the students and worshipers and a disruption to the priest. This is why we publish the Mass schedule on the ICD Master Calendar
  • We respectfully ask that families avoid arriving late on the days your child goes to church with his or her classmates at 8:00 am. 
  • We respectfully ask that you not take your child out of school early on days when we have afternoon all-school Masses. The latest early dismissal on those days will be 1:15 pm. 
No worries...If you forget to pack a lunch, or you're heading to work and in the rearview mirror, you see your kiddo's lunch in the back seat...Don't make an illegal U-Turn! We will make sure your child is fed! Here is a link to the lunch menu, just in case!