Jill Kocsis » About Mrs. Kocsis

About Mrs. Kocsis

Hello, my  name is Jill Kocsis, and I teach first grade! This is my 15th year teaching at ICD, and I have loved every minute of it. I received my degree from UMSL in Early Childhood Education, and began the very first Kindergarten program at St. Theodore. I taught there for 7 years, and then  stayed home and began an in home daycare. From there, God called me to ICD!


I am married to Chris, and we share 6 children. We enjoy spending time together, and helping them navigate young adult life. One of the best things about being a parent is seeing your children in a career, or on their path to what God is calling them to do with their life. Our family is our everything!


My passion has always been teaching children to read! First grade is the most amazing year in guiding them to become independent readers. More importantly though, I strive to help each child be the best version of themselves, while keeping Jesus at the center. I love sharing my faith with the children I teach, and I work hard at helping them develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

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Jill Kocsis
1st Grade
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