Field Trip to the Zoo

It is great to see that so many of you have signed the permission slip for our field trip to the St. Louis Zoo on May 22nd. If you have not done so yet, make sure to get that completed soon. Reminder, all parents are invited to chaperone this trip. Protecting God’s Children Course must have been taken to participate in any field trip and no younger siblings are allowed to accompany parents on field trips. Parents will be driving themselves to the zoo (or carpool) while teachers and students ride the bus. Please plan to meet us at the zoo at 9:30 (or feel free to follow the bus - we will leave the school at 8:30). After exploring the zoo, we will meet back up at 1:15 for a picture before leaving the zoo at 1:30. Students will be carrying their own lunches/water bottles in a draw string bag and groups may eat lunch at their convenience. We are looking forward to a fun and relaxing day at the zoo!
Annette Maher