News from the desk of Mrs. Christian...


April 25, 2024


Tetris is a puzzle game from the 1980s with colorful tiles that come together to fill empty spaces. To play, you are literally putting "a lot of moving parts" together. And, with each piece that is placed, you wonder if it's in a place that makes sense; you second guess the piece's placement; you try to move it or try a different one in that spot. Then, at some point, you look at the puzzle that is coming together and realize that you have created a masterpiece. Parenting is much the same.


As you work to raise your child into the adult that they will become, you will second guess decisions, try various parenting approaches, and question whether or not you are doing things “right.” There will be times when your chosen parenting strategy works and times when you feel like the parenting game is playing you. While you are actively parenting, know that the process is never perfect. Be steadfast in making decisions that are in your child's best interest, even if those decisions may not be the most popular, and most importantly, keep God close. He will guide you as you embark on this journey. And, one day, you will look back and realize that with His help, you have created a unique, beautiful, and wonderfully imperfect masterpiece.


 Mark your calendars for some VERY important dates:


  1. TONIGHT– April 25 - Parents ONLY meeting for parents of students who will be attending a 3 year old preschool program next year.
  2. May 5—All 4-year-old preschool students are invited to join us at 10:15 am Mass, where they will receive a special blessing and sing Immaculate Mary.fdsfsdf
  3. May 6—Mass for our 4-year-old students. This will be held in the chapel at 9:30 am. All are welcome!
  1. May 16—End of the year Preschool Program for all 4-year-old preschool students (5:30 pm start for M/W/F classes and 7:00 pm start for M-F classes)


A summer opportunity for your child: Miss Libby’s Music